Marshall Mesa conditions


  1. Rode Marshall this afternoon. The west side was easily rideable, with some mud puddles and snowy patches in shady spots.

    But avoid the single track that heads east into the grassland from the end of the community ditch. Super muddy - the uber-gooey sticky kind that clumps up on tires, bring your bike to a halt - and very bad riding.

  2. Sloppy, wait a while.

  3. Coalton Trail is good. High Plains has good sections and really muddy sections (short, though). Stay on the trail as it's getting wider.

  4. Friday afternoon....
    High Plains: some muddy sections (about 30 to 50' long), but not to bad.

    Prairie Vista & Flatirons Vista South: Mostly dry, some moist areas. Good riding

    Doudy Draw, south of Springbrook Loop connector: VERY MUDDY! Many riders damaging this trail. BEST TO AVOID, and should be closed!

    Springbrook Loop: I didn't ride this, but heard it was pretty muddy.

    Doudy Draw, north of Springbrook connector: good

    Community Ditch, Coal Seam, & Marshall Valley: good

    Cowdrey Draw: best to avoid. 100-yard long section of clay-like mud.

    Sorry to say, but still the best bet is road riding.

  5. West of 93 still too muddy. Stay away.
    East of 93 is OK.

  6. Word is.... East of 93 is bone dry. To the west, a few tacky sections, a few dry sections but that loop up in the trees needs a little time. A few patches of snow and a ton of mud. Stay off the Springbook Loop.

  7. ALL MM TRAIS ARE GOOD TO RIDE! (I rode almost every trail on Sunday.)
    Marshall Mesa and Greenbelt=dry
    Cowdrey Draw=dry
    High plains=few muddy spots, rest dry
    Flatirons Vista=tacky, dry
    Dowdy Draw =2 small muddy spots, rideable, rest dry
    Springbrook Loop=mostly dry to tacky, couple muddy spots and 1 snow crossing (20 ft)
    community ditch=dry


Is it dry, some puddles, wet & muddy, or snowy? Let us know if we can ride, or if riding would damage the trail.